We’re working with governments, local communities and other stakeholders to protect snow leopards and their habitat across the snow leopard’s range. This includes supporting the creation of locally led rangeland management plans and reducing conflict between snow leopards and local people who depend on livestock for their livelihoods. Snow leopards are sometimes killed by local farmers and herders when the leopards prey on livestock such as sheep, goats, horses, and yak calves.
The animals that snow leopards would typically hunt—such as the Argali and blue sheep—are also hunted by local communities. Snow leopards also lose out on habitat and food sources to livestock. As their natural prey becomes harder to find, snow leopards are forced to kill livestock for survival. The snow leopard’s habitat also provides important resources for the many people who live there.
WWF works closely with communities and governments to conduct cutting-edge research on population, habitat use, predator-prey dynamics, and community interactions. With this gift you will help local communities to monitor snow leopards and their prey.